Saturday, September 12, 2015

Cluster of My Controversy

In my cluster map I illustrated the main parties involved in the controversy. On the proponent side there are two distinct groups with different motivations. The first party is the business group who is in favor of genetically engineering food to increase their profits. The other group in favor of GMOs are the scientists and scientific advocates who like the genetic modification because of the advancements in the related technology. On the other side of the controversy are those against genetic engineering their food and they focus on the negative effects it has on humans and the environment.

Here's my cluster.

Hashimoto, Jayni. "Clutster Map". 9/12/15 via Screenshot.

Like Kyle I made my cluster map by separating the opponents and proponents, but after seeing Mehruba's map I no longer think I chose the most effective way to organize my ideas. Compared to Kyle's map I believe my cluster is rather confusing to look at, and it helps me when I go to write, but it is hard for anyone else. 

Overall, the next time I have to create a cluster map for more than just myself, I think I will change how I arrange my ideas to make the map easier to understand. 

1 comment:

  1. It is interesting that you organized the chart more by the arguments used by opponents and proponents than by the specific groups opposing or supporting GMOs. I also used Coggle for my chart, but I tried to do more of a combination of arguments and groups. I think mine is actually harder to follow though. Overall, I think you've made a comprehensive organizational chart for the GMO debate.
