Friday, August 28, 2015

Calendar Reflection

In this blog post I will explain my response to the calendar activity and my plans to have an academically successful first semester. 

Ćorić, Marina. "To-do list" 11/8/2008 via Deviant Art.
 Attribution-NonCommerical-NonDerivs 3.0 Unported License. 

My first thought was that the calendar was really big. I thought I would have no problem fitting in time for all my classwork. Once I added my class schedule, I was still pretty confident in the amount of time I would have.

It was after filling in time for sleep that I really saw how many of the blocks were filled in. In just this week alone I have spent many nights with friends, trips to the
grocery store, and lounging around in my dorm, and mentally I saw all those boxes fill up as well.

I definitely thought there were more boxes before I started writing. 

Overall, I truly believe that I can spend enough time on my school work and still have a good time in college, I just need to be aware of how I spend my free time between classes or after meals. I think setting daily to-do lists will help me keep track of what I need to do in a day. 

Also, seeing a to-do list with everything checked is a very satisfying feeling. 

I've always relied on lists of homework to make sure I complete everything that needs to get done, especially because I have a terrible memory, and it was interesting to see that Nick used this strategy as well.

From reading Mika's post I realized how effective the time between class could be. I thought I could maybe utilize this time, but now I see if I am able to really focus in these times, they could make a big difference in allowing me to get my homework done without too much stress.

Also, I am taking 15 credits this semester, a little less than some of my classmates, but it seems like time management is going to be super important, especially if we want to maintain a social life to really get the full college experience.  

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I can relate to you in terms of how overwhelming the amount of sleep, leisure, or my college social life can be on one's work schedule. I too find it baffling that I never consciously realized how much time I put into activities that are second to what's really important: Going to College.

    My calendar also became cluttered with lounging or social outings. Hours were dedicated just for getting to certain hang out points or eating lunch. I also have to agree with you on the satisfaction of an organized to-do-list, as it acts as a form of clarification on your routine; sometimes elucidating the uncertainty of the day. My advise, just keep with your schedule and you'll never have a problem with cramming homework into your life.

    Good Luck!
