Saturday, August 29, 2015

My Controversy

The blog post below is a brief summary on some of the controversy surrounding the transportation system Uber.

This article from the Huffington Post describes some of the negatives and positives of the company’s image. At only five years old Uber has been an incredibly successful company, valued between $17 and $18 billion dollars. The article references some positives of Uber including its positive cash flow, successful business model, use of technology, and its possibility to easily move into other markets. 

One of the biggest hurdles for Uber is all the negative publicity the company has received. The article specifically mentions protests from Uber’s drivers, injuries inflicted to customers from drivers, and privacy. Outlined in the article are also a series of steps the company could take to improve its image.

I found this article interesting because Uber has recently become something I may use. With the start of college I do not have my car on campus or parents to drive me. In order to go off campus, I rely on friends who did bring their car or on car services such as Uber. An episode of CSI: Cyber, which is not the most accurate source, showed how dangerous car services like Uber could potentially be.

However, I believe this article showed that the company may be safer than I initially thought, as they may have just received a lot of bad press. That being said, I still find myself a little wary of car services like this, but less so. 

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