Saturday, September 5, 2015

Evaluation of Social Media Sources

In the post below I will analyze the credibility of two different twitter posts about genetically engineered food.

Aouad Abdessmad 

Hashimoto, Jayni. "Twitter 1" 9/5/15 via Screenshot. 

Would you be on Catfish?
Aoudd Abdessmad is a photographer as it states in his twitter bio, and he has a Panoramio account full of pictures from Morocco where he lives, making it easy to believe that he is a real person

As stated above and in his Twitter bio, Abdessmad does not live in the United States where the big genetically engineered food controversy is taking place. However, by Morocco does not make use of the genetically modified seeds for crops which gives him a unique perspective on the conflict.

Currently on Twitter Adessmad has 11.1 thousand followers. He also maintains a blog called Backyard Homesteading which focuses on gardening. Most of his Twitter followers are just regular people he is followed by Earthly Choice a food company dedicated to providing healthy and good food.

The information he tweets can be confirmed as he frequently tweets the URL to the webpage he is talking about. Therefore, all his claims can be followed back to the source from where he got the information.

Contextual Updates 
He regualarly posts about genetically modified food, and gardening. With all of these posts he does include the link for the reader to follow if they want to corroborate his claim.

Abouad Abdessamad joined Twitter in January 2009, and has accumulated over 11 thousands followers in that time. Because of the duration and popularity of his account, I believe that gives Abdessmad some credibility as a social media source.

Amy Metcalf Latawiec 
Hashimoto, Jayni. "Twitter 2". 9/5/15 via Screenshot. 
Would you be on Catfish?
Answer? No, she would not be on Catfish. Amy Latawiec has a website and is a lecturer in the English department at Wayne State, where she is also a Ph.D. candidate.

Amy lives in Michigan, where Wayne State University can be found. Michigan is not an agriculturale state, therefore, Amy would depend on the crops grown else where in the country that could be transferred to Michigan. I believe it would be harder for Amy to have easy access to farmer's markets and small farms, where she could get not genetically engineered food.

 Latawiec has just over 600 followers, including Only Organic and other fitness related accounts. These health related followers corresponds with the information in her Twitter bio where she lists being a nutrition enthusiast and a group fitness instructer.

Context and Contextual Updates 
Unlike the Twitter user above, Amy's tweets are all over the place and about random subjects. This is most definitely a personal account as she talks about her personal life. In fact, just from scrolling through her Twitter feed, I am not seeing very many post about genetically modified food.

This Twitter user joined in July of 2007 and has 12.8 thousand tweets to date. With this high volume of tweets I would conclude that this is not a new account.

From my Storify.

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