Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Practicing Summary and Paraphrase

I will use the following blog post as a test of how effectively I can paraphrase or summarize a quotation from the text. I will be taking a quote from my selected text and paraphrasing the information, changing the information into my own words, and summarizing the content, giving just the main points.
Sheridan, Hiro. "golidlocks" 5/25/2007 via Flickr. Attribution 2.0 Generic License. 

Original Source (Here is a link to the text) 
"...explains Cornell University engineering professor Anthony Ingraffea...the scientific argument against fracking and unconventional gas drilling is more extensive. It involves not simply groundwater contamination, but also at least two other major problems: earthquake generation and the accidental emission of methane, a potent greenhouse gas." 

 My Paraphrase of Original Source. 
Anthony Ingraffea, a member of the engineering faculty at Cornell University, states in an interview that the environmental issues caused by fracturing rocks to collect natural gas is more substantial than previously believed. Scientific data shows that seismic activity has been triggered by humans and levels of the hydrocarbon methane have increased in the atmosphere. 

My Summary of the Original Source. 
Anthony Ingraffea explains that scientific data supports hydraulic fracking of shale as a cause of earthquakes and methane in the atmosphere. 

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